Duplicate your Linux screen with your Android device

Nicola Landro
2 min readJul 1, 2021

For many uses I need to use my Android phone or tablet as second screen so I start to study how to obtain it from scratch by duplicate the monitor.

I find linux-second-screen project on github but his guide is not from scrach so there I explayn step by step how to duplicate the screen between your Linux and your Android phone.

Prepare your system

This method work only for x11 not for wayland.

Install x11vnc

sudo apt install x11vnc

Share the pc display with the command


Now at your ip:5900 your computer share a VNC server that share your display.

To know your ip you can exec


Prepare Android

Download a VCN client, for example androidVCN.

Open the app and set your ip, your port (that is correct by default) and click connect.

Now your display is shared!


This is a very short guide and it can work also with iOS or with different computer for example by using remmina and remmina-plugins-vcn.

This solution can scale also with virtual monitor to use your android device or anything else as second screen.

This method is the easyest, but also the less secure, infact you can use this method only in your private network because your ip is not visible outside.



Nicola Landro

Linux user and Open Source fun. Deep learning PhD. , Full stack web developer, Mobile developer, cloud engineer and Musitian.