EasyEDA Blender 3D Import
How to solve 3D import from exported blender object
EasyEDA is a very easy and powerfull web tool to collaborate and draw together printable circutis that can be easily printed on JLCPCB using component form LCSC. The circuit is portant but also to add correct meshes get you a good vision of the full product that you can share with interested people, so import 3D objects are very useful.
Blender is a 3D editing very powerful that allow you to create each 3D model you want.
Import blender Meshes
I try to export .obj from blender and import into Easy EDA but I failed so I made the following procedure:
- Export .x3D
- Use a web converter to .wrl like that
- Into EASY EDA do file>new>3DModel and load the .wrl file
With that techniques I reach to import correctly the mesh from blender (also if I must fix the scale from EasyEDA but it is correctly loaded)
Also the export between EasyEDA .obj and Blender is broken I hope that it will be soon fixed but this problem is old and the EasyEDA project is not open source so my hope cannot be faced up.
Also if some software are “Free”, the open source is better and allow you to solve the problem you need by yourself or by the work of other people.
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