How to create your custom Icon launcher on Linux

Nicola Landro
1 min readFeb 4, 2021


If you want to create your custom icon that are recognized into your linux operating system to start your custom application you are happy to know that it is simple!

Create .desktop file

At first it is needed to create .desktop file for example myapp.desktop:

[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=doing domryhing
GenericName[it]=doing domryhing in another lang
Comment=more inffo about what he do
Comment[it]=in another lang

Keywords=for example;3d;game;
Exec=/path/to/exec %f
Terminal=falseType=ApplicationCategories=for example;Graphics;3DGraphics;MimeType=for example;application/x-blender;

Now you can add the exec permission

chmod +x myapp.desktop

In many desktop environment if you open the folder you can see the text MyAPP and you can see the Icon.

Install into the environment

To see it into your desktop environment apps, into your menu you must copy it into /usr/share/applications/:

sudo cp myapp.desktop /usr/share/applications/

Now MyAPP can be find into your file bar like any other apllication installed in your OS.


It is a very simple argument, but it can be very usefull expecially if you want to see your Appimage software or the app that you write like the others.

Tank you and good app creation.



Nicola Landro

Linux user and Open Source fun. Deep learning PhD. , Full stack web developer, Mobile developer, cloud engineer and Musitian.