Install Tonelib GFX on OpenSuse

Nicola Landro
1 min readNov 14, 2021

Tonelib GFX is a guitar complete pedals like Guitarix that have an Experimental version for Ubuntu, but what for OpenSuse?

In this guide I explain how to transform a .deb to a .rpm and install it.


We need to install alien with link or with command:

sudo zypper install alien

Download, convert and intall

Download .deb from original website Tonelib GFX (is the ubuntu Experimental).

Go into the folder with the file and exec the following

sudo alien -r ToneLib-GFX-amd64.deb

Now it create .rpm file and you can install with:

sudo zypper install ./tonelib-gfx-4.6-7.x86_64.rpm

Now if you search on you application you can find ToneLib-GFX ready to run.

If you want the vst2 ready to use in your DAW you can find it at /usr/lib/vst/.


Who packet the closed source application think to work on Ubuntu or Debian, but it is not a problem for Open Suse thanks to alien.

Enjoy your music and use Linux.



Nicola Landro

Linux user and Open Source fun. Deep learning PhD. , Full stack web developer, Mobile developer, cloud engineer and Musitian.